One idea was to setup a 'sacred space' (I like this idea) in the workplace and to appoint a 'sacred space auditior' (bad terminology) to measure its effectiveness and to 'plan what sort of changes to implement.' this sounds like a great idea but I can't see many places that this could happen in.
A good idea was to have go for a 20 minute walk during your lunchbreak and open your senses to what is going on around you, to what is going on inside and what is God is doing.
I had a good laugh at the next one I saw, a cut out altar that you can put on your desk, complete with Candles and some crosses. See below...
I find it funny and amazing how the different 'flavours' of christianity work, for some people a cut out altar on their desk would be great, it would help them connect with God yet I know I look at this and laugh:-) I say this with no contempt for the flavours that have altars in their churches. It is meerly a different expression of this thing we call the church.
Have a look at 'sacred space' yourself here
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