Monday, March 10, 2008

Who has the power?

Love is a giving away of power. When we love, we give the other person the power in the relationship. They can do what they choose. They can do what they like with our love. They can reject it, they can accept it, they can step towards us in gratitude and appreciation.

Love is a giving away. When we love, we put ourselves out there, we expose ourselves, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable.

I'm reading Sex God by Rob Bell at the moment. It looks at issues relating to relationships, sexuality and God. I love the above quote. Its context is talking about the love God has shown us. this is what is so freaky about love, it is an absolute giving away of self. I think as Christians we forget that this is what God did through Jesus. I know when I am disobedient or neglectful of God I generally think that God will forgive me (which he will) and that everything is fine (which it is) but the thing I never think about is that it still breaks his heart. Like a lover who has their heart trampled on it is broken. I wonder how it would change my actions if I realized that I am breaking God heart. I mean think about that! that puts a different twist on a lot of things.

When I choose to play nintendo when I know I should be spending some time with God... it breaks his heart

When I choose to stay silent about my faith at school... it breaks his heart

When I choose to put anything above him in priority... it breaks his heart




The Darkness sing that Love is only a feeling, I propose that Love is a choice not a feeling.

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