Friday, June 09, 2006

Treading the wandering path...

It's an interesting path that we walk down, we seem to have days where the path is easy walking the sun streaming down and there is a slight refreshing breeze. Walking the path is a pleasant experience it is refreshing and brings a sense of peace.

Other times the path can seem rocky, you seem to stub your toe on every second rock, the rain is pouring down and you are chilled to the bone. At times like this the last place you want to be is on the path. But it is the memories of sunnier times on the path that keep you going, they keep you putting one foot in front of the other.

You know that regardless what the travel on the path is like the destination is what you are striving for, you are enjoying the trip on the path but the destination is hovering in the back of your mind.

The life of a God follower can be like this path, there is times where it is easy to follow God and you have a great time, other times can be a struggle, things can make us feel guilt, shame, jealousy. At times like this following God can seem soo hard or that we are not good enough to follow the path any more.

Yet when it is sunny and when it is pouring there is a still silent voice that is calling out, a voice that is full of compassion in the times of guilt, a voice that is full of encouragement when we feel down. This voice is whispering "I will never leave or forsake you"
How is the path for you at the moment?
The question I ask you is how is the path for you at the moment? Are you basking in the warm sunshine? or are you slipping in the mud?

Picture from

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