Sunday, May 28, 2006

Auditors, Spirituality & Cut out Altars

I came across a great site the other day, This is a british site (Anglican I think) On the site there is a PDF document that can be downloaded called "Sacred space" This document outlines 10 ways to bring the sacred into your workplace. It seems to have been written with great intentions but I find some of them to be inappropiate for the average NZ workplace.

One idea was to setup a 'sacred space' (I like this idea) in the workplace and to appoint a 'sacred space auditior' (bad terminology) to measure its effectiveness and to 'plan what sort of changes to implement.' this sounds like a great idea but I can't see many places that this could happen in.

A good idea was to have go for a 20 minute walk during your lunchbreak and open your senses to what is going on around you, to what is going on inside and what is God is doing.

I had a good laugh at the next one I saw, a cut out altar that you can put on your desk, complete with Candles and some crosses. See below...

I find it funny and amazing how the different 'flavours' of christianity work, for some people a cut out altar on their desk would be great, it would help them connect with God yet I know I look at this and laugh:-) I say this with no contempt for the flavours that have altars in their churches. It is meerly a different expression of this thing we call the church.

Have a look at 'sacred space' yourself here

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